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Thirty years, four months, and two days after she said, "i do,” Karen DeArmond Gardner left an abusive marriage. Today Karen is a trauma advocate for women who are in or have left abusive marriages. Karen is also the author of “Hope For Healing From Domestic Abuse.” Karen is a truth teller and myth buster about domestic abuse. She is also the founder of Where she provides help for women to get free from abuse. Join me as we walk in Karen’s three inch flats.
Thirty years, four months, and two days after she said, "i do,” Karen DeArmond Gardner left an abusive marriage. Today Karen is a trauma advocate for women who are in or have left abusive marriages. Karen is also the author of “Hope For Healing From Domestic Abuse.” Karen is a truth teller and myth buster about domestic abuse. She is also the founder of Where she provides help for women to get free from abuse. Join me as we walk in Karen’s three inch flats.
To learn more about Karen click here.
Remember when you walk in Other People's Shoes you get a different perspective!
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