March 16, 2022

Betting Against The Shadow

Betting Against The Shadow

What is one thing you have bet on? Or maybe the better question is who has bet on you? Today, my guest is Casey Jarombek. Casey has resolved to abstain from compulsive gambling. over the span of 10 years. Casey blew thousands of dollars on blackjack and poker at the casinos and, in turn, fell on hard times. before getting clean. Casey would do anything he needed to, including manipulating friends and family, to get by in life. However, now he has been gamble free for over 6 years, and he is now living life on life's terms. Join me as I try on Casey's size 13 spit-shined and polished dress shoes.

What is one thing you have bet on? Or maybe the better question is who has bet on you? Today, my guest is Casey Jarombek. Casey has resolved to abstain from compulsive gambling. over the span of 10 years. Casey blew thousands of dollars on blackjack and poker at the casinos and, in turn, fell on hard times. before getting clean. Casey would do anything he needed to, including manipulating friends and family, to get by in life. However, now he has been gamble free for over 6 years, and he is now living life on life's terms. Join me as I try on Casey's size 13 spit-shined and polished dress shoes. 

Remember when you walk in Other People's Shoes you get a different perspective!

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