Other People's Shoes
Aug. 31, 2022

Season Finale: Twenty

20 years ago, where were you? What were your thought and feelings? My guest, Jon Micah Sumrall is the lead singer and primary songwriter of the widely acclaimed Christian rock band, Kutless. With nearly 3 million albums sold, two RIAA certified Gold Records, and twelve Number 1 radio singles the ba…
Aug. 24, 2022

Love Song

Where were you in 1998? My guest today is Linda Gunter. Linda and her husband turned one of their rental properties in Vine City, Atlanta, the 5th worst crime-ridden neighborhood in the United States, into a homeless shelter. They named the shelter and the non-profit George’s Place in honor of Lind…
Guest: Linda Gunter
Aug. 17, 2022

Flip Of The Coin

You call it in the air..." Head's or Tail's". How many of us have made major life decisions based on a coin toss? My guest today is Emily Louis. Emily helps women OWN their worth and transform their relationship with God. Her mission is to help Christians know they don't have to fit a box or mold t…
Guest: Emily Louis
Aug. 10, 2022

Power Of A Conversation

How do you feel when someone serves you? My guest today is Tom Schwab CEO of "Interview Valet". Tom knows how to build an online business. He has done this very successfully, several times and now helps others find online success with podcast interview marketing. Marketing at its heart is starting…
Guest: Tom Schwab
Aug. 3, 2022

Practically Perfect

Can you be "Practically Perfect" in every way? My guest today is Shelby Hohsfield she is a podcaster, artist, motivational speaker, and unstoppable enthusiast of living out God's purpose after religion. Shelby's faith journey has been a winding road, from praying to God as an eight-year-old for the…
July 27, 2022

No Stopping This Hug

When is the last time you received a hug? My guest today is Christian Mayberry. Christian was riding on an ATV when he was 16. An adult was driving the ATV, which crashed and Christian was left in a ditch for three hours before receiving medical attention. Christian died. He went to heaven and spen…
July 20, 2022


Has life knocked your cup over, spilling your dreams and complicating your next step? Perhaps you have a solid relationship with God, but has reality shaken your security and identity? Maybe you seek answers and new handles for growing in spiritual maturity. Did you once see yourself attempting gre…
July 13, 2022

The Knock At The Door

What happens when you hear a knock at the front door of your home? My guest today is Robin T. Jenning. Robin believes that personal growth is something we all seek, but spiritual renewal is something our souls yearn for whether we know it or not. As a gifted storyteller, sought-after professional s…
July 6, 2022

More Than A Thank You

Ten-hut ! My guest today is Captain, Shelly Rood who served in the United States Army Reserves for 16 years as an Intelligence Officer and now is a small business owner and ordained minister, advocating for selfless service in action. Attaining the rank of Captain, Shelly served as an S2, a Company…
Guest: Shelly Rood
June 29, 2022

A Story In Every Seat

Remember musical chairs? You remember right? Play the music and have the players walk around the perimeter of the chair circle. When the music stops, everyone must immediately sit in a chair. The one person left standing is out. Seems kind of silly to bring this up. However, what if life is a lot l…
Guest: Stacy Leicht
June 22, 2022

Are You An Ezer?

How would you define yourself? Really hard question to answer right? Today my guest is April Diaz. April is a visionary and challenger her entire life. April is the Founder and CEO of Ezer + Co., a coaching company all about activating women to live lead with wholeness. For nearly 20 years she past…
Guest: April Diaz
June 15, 2022

Three Powerful Words

Stop reading if you don't need this. Want to learn about wellness conversations around life balance, mental wellness, self-care, self-realization, and whole-life wellness? Want to find and see the joy in individuals building healthy communication and wellness methods in their life that reduce stres…
June 8, 2022

This Is Home

Community is defined as, a feeling of fellowship with others due to sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals. Do you have such a thing in your life? My guest today is Steve & Bethany former radio pros turned podcasters. Steve & Bethany take the big and complex questions about life and faith …
June 1, 2022

Mended Under Pressure

Have you ever thought how a diamond is formed? Simply put, a diamond formation occurs when carbon deposits deep within the earth(approximately 90 to 125 miles below the surface) are subject to high temperature and pressure. Kind of like a pressure cooker. That is where are episode begins today. My …
Guest: Patti Davis
May 25, 2022

The Power Of Guard The Rail.

"It's too late, I can't do it." Am I sure you have never said this right? Well, I'm here to tell you it's not too late you can do it. Today is the day to see the power of the guard rail. How does one go about putting in the guard rails in your life? Well, take a listen to a new author Daniel Connor…