I am your...Reminder You Are Lovely
Our next guest is a blogger, a speaker, and a mom. Angie comes on the show to share her story of June 10th, 2018, when her son passed away. Let that be the disclaimer for those listening that this may be a harder episode. Hear how it affected her and her family at that time and what she has done since then. Come and listen in your size 7 flip flops.
Our next guest is a blogger, a speaker, and a mom. Angie comes on the show to share her story of June 10th, 2018, when her son passed away. Let that be the disclaimer for those listening that this may be a harder episode. Hear how it affected her and her family at that time and what she has done since then. Come and listen in your size 7 flip flops.
Shawn McDonald Lovely
Tobymac 21 Years
Remember when you walk in Other People's shoes you get a different perspective!
Other People's Shoes is a non-profit tax-deductible organization. If you feel lead to give click here
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