March 1, 2023

Inch By Inch

Inch By Inch

Sometimes it just takes a step at a time, other times you take a giant leap. My guest today is Johnathan Drayton Triple majored in philosophy, History, and political science in college. Love Jesus. I Love to unpack the word of God Through these perspectives and evaluate how we can use the word of God to maneuver through life. Of course, We live our life on levels and arrive in stages and therefore we ought to pursue being like Jesus every day. I am willing to learn from others and hear what they say. Join me as I try on Johnathan's Adidas shoes.

Sometimes it just takes a step at a time, other times you take a giant leap. My guest today is Johnathan Drayton Triple majored in philosophy, History, and political science in college. Love Jesus. I Love to unpack the word of God Through these perspectives and evaluate how we can use the word of God to maneuver through life. Of course, We live our life on levels and arrive in stages and therefore we ought to pursue being like Jesus every day. I am willing to learn from others and hear what they say. Join me as I try on Johnathan's Adidas shoes. 


Remember when you walk in Other People's Shoes you get a different perspective!

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