Oct. 27, 2021

Is Jesus Enough?

Is Jesus Enough?

With 25 years of radio experience and his strong Christian faith and a really cool “Australian accent.” My guest this week is Rodney Olsen. Who is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger, and podcast host of Bleeding Daylight. He has also crossed Australia 6 times by bike as well as cycling in Canada and made 2 trips to cycle in India. All of that doesn’t come close to Rodney’s faith in Jesus. Rodney, believes Jesus is enough, but the question is do you? Join me as we walk in Rodney’s Dr. Martin boots.

With 25 years of radio experience and his strong Christian faith and a really cool “Australian accent.” My guest this week is Rodney Olsen. Who is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger, and podcast host of Bleeding Daylight. He has also crossed Australia 6 times by bike as well as cycling in Canada and made 2 trips to cycle in India. All of that doesn’t come close to Rodney’s faith in Jesus. Rodney, believes Jesus is enough, but the question is do you? Join me as we walk in Rodney’s Dr. Martin boots. 

To learn more about Rodney click here

Remember when you walk in Other People's Shoes you get a different perspective!

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