Has life knocked your cup over, spilling your dreams and complicating your next step? Perhaps you have a solid relationship with God, but has reality shaken your security and identity? Maybe you seek answers and new handles for growing in spiritual maturity. Did you once see yourself attempting great things for God but now wonder how you’ll survive carpool … or chemo? Do you just feel like a No.thing with a long list of all.the.things to do? My guest today is author Esther Pannebaker. Esther is here to remind us all about, what's in your hand, what's in your heart, and what's in your house? Three very hard questions to answer. Join me as we try on Esther's shoes. I should let her explain her shoes, she can do it better.
Has life knocked your cup over, spilling your dreams and complicating your next step? Perhaps you have a solid relationship with God, but has reality shaken your security and identity? Maybe you seek answers and new handles for growing in spiritual maturity. Did you once see yourself attempting great things for God but now wonder how you’ll survive carpool … or chemo? Do you just feel like a No.thing with a long list of all.the.things to do? My guest today is author, Esther Pannebaker. Esther is here to remind us all about, what's in your hand, what's in your heart, and what's in your house? Three very hard questions to answer. Join me as we try on Esther's shoes. I should let her explain her shoes, she can do it better.
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Remember when you walk in Other People's Shoes you get a different perspective!
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