From Georgia, Mitch was getting into running. His love of running he shared with a deacon at his church, but then was challenged not to make his passion an Idol. From there Mitch made running his ministry. Thinking, there is a ministry for everything, Mitch went on a fruitless search for a premade book. God gave Mitch the task of creating this ministry! Join us as we here his story…
Let’s take a run with Mitch as we try on his size 11 shoes.
From Georgia, Mitch was getting into running. His love of running he shared with a deacon at his church, but then was challenged not to make his passion an Idol. From there Mitch made running his ministry. Thinking, there is a ministry for everything, Mitch went on a fruitless search for a premade book. God gave Mitch the task of creating this ministry! Join us as we here his story…
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Remember when you walk in Other People's shoes you get a different perspective!
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