Aug. 26, 2020

SEASON FINAL: Search For Understanding

Zaiba and Uzma are the creators of Mommying While Muslim podcast. Their dads were bachelor roommates in the '70s and grew up as family friends. They started the podcast to be able to validate and encourage other Muslim women growing in a post 9/11 world. In a free country, what struggles do some citizens have to go through just for looking foreign? What are Zaiba and Uzma doing to help other women? Come in and listen as we try on Other People's Shoes?

Zaiba and Uzma are the creators of Mommying While Muslim podcast. Their dads were bachelor roommates in the '70s and grew up as family friends.  They started the podcast to be able to validate and encourage other Muslim women growing in a post 9/11 world.  In a free country, what struggles do some citizens have to go through just for looking foreign?  What are  Zaiba and Uzma doing to help other women?  Come in and listen as we try on Other People's Shoes?

To learn more about Mommying While Muslim click here

Come To The Table Episode click here

Remember when you walk in Other People's Shoes you get a different perspective!

Other People's Shoes is a non-profit tax-deductible organization. If you feel lead to give click here

Have questions or want to give feedback call or text: 203-548-SHOE

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