Aug. 30, 2023

SEASON FINALE | The Phone Call

SEASON FINALE | The Phone Call

It's been said every story has a new chapter. Today we walk with Amy Getzlow. Amy is the wife of Neil Getzlow. Neil was a past guest earlier this season. Amy today shares her side of what went on as she discovered Neil had been having multiple extra marriage affairs. She shares her heart and how she was able to move past the pain. Join me as I walk in Amy's shoes.


It's been said every story has a new chapter. Today we walk with Amy Getzlow. Amy is the wife of Neil Getzlow. Neil was a past guest earlier this season. Amy today shares her side of what went on as she discovered Neil had been having multiple extra marriage affairs. She shares her heart and how she was able to move past the pain. Join me as I walk in Amy's shoes.  


To listen to our episode with Neil click below.

To get a copy of Neil's book click below.


Remember when you walk in Other People's Shoes you get a different perspective!


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