Trina and Jason of a wonderful boy named Joel. Joel is a special needs child. Trina and Joel had to deal with doctors suggesting abortion, 3 months in the hospital with multiple surgeries after birth, and a predicted 5 year life span. Now reaching the age of 12, join us as we recount Joel grow and the trials Trina and Jason go through.
On this episode they share:
*The complications in pregnancy and birth
*Joel's successes at school
* What they hope to see for Joel in 20 years
Let's take a walk as we listen to Jason and Trina and put on their shoes.
Trina and Jason of a wonderful boy named Joel. Joel is a special needs child. Now reaching the age of 12, join us as we recount Joel grow and the trials Trina and Jason go through.
On this episode they share:
Remember when you walk in Other People's shoes you get a different perspective!
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