Jan. 4, 2023

Step Beyond The Bars

Step Beyond The Bars

Did anyone love being grounded growing up? Show of hands, please? I'm guessing not a lot of hands are up. My guest today is Kevin Turner. Kevin is here to remind us that things can be turned around. Life can bring UnlimitED change. Kevin was given the opportunity to work for 21 years in the largest penal institutions in the United States as a professional Corrections Officer, walking hallways and interacting with inmates taught him a lot. Kevin is also married to his 8th-grade sweetheart, he has 2 kids, and 5 grandkids, and is a double-major graduate in Biblical Studies and Leadership from the College of Biblical Studies. Kevin, who will be a 1st-time author in 2023, is continuing his God-inspired quest to prepare youth, educational leaders, and emerging leaders through speaking and coaching to Un-Limit their purpose for endless possibilities. Join me as I try on Kevin's very comfortable New Balance shoes.

Did anyone love being grounded growing up? Show of hands, please? I'm guessing not a lot of hands are up. My guest today is Kevin Turner. Kevin is here to remind us that things can be turned around. Life can bring UnlimitED change. Kevin was given the opportunity to work for 21 years in the largest penal institutions in the United States as a professional Corrections Officer, walking hallways and interacting with inmates taught him a lot. Kevin is also married to his 8th-grade sweetheart, he has 2 kids, and 5 grandkids, and is a double-major graduate in Biblical Studies and Leadership from the College of Biblical Studies. Kevin, who will be a 1st-time author in 2023, is continuing his God-inspired quest to prepare youth, educational leaders, and emerging leaders through speaking and coaching to Un-Limit their purpose for endless possibilities. Join me as I try on Kevin's very comfortable New Balance shoes.


Remember when you walk in Other People's Shoes you get a different perspective!

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