Our guest this week is an author of the book, "Be Encouraged!!!" Michael Arterberry is a dynamic motivational speaker dedicated to encouraging the younger generation. The book, "Be Encouraged!!!" consists of 250 days of motivation and encouragement. It is a great resource to give you a different perspective on your situation and help jump start your journey to be encouraged. Michael has a large collection of something that interests us. What is it? Listen in as we find out.
Join us as we put on a size 11 pair of shoes.
Our guest this week is an author of the book, "Be Encouraged!!!" Michael Arterberry is a dynamic motivational speaker dedicated to encouraging the younger generation. The book, "Be Encouraged!!!" consists of 250 days of motivation and encouragement. It is a great resource to give you a different perspective on your situation and help jump start your journey to be encouraged. Michael has a large collection of something that interests us. What is it? Listen in as we find out. Join us as we put on a size 11 pair of shoes.
To learn more about Michael click here
Click here to get a free copy of Michael's book.
Short term thinkers plant gardens...
Long-term thinkers plant trees.
Eternity minded thinkers plant themselves in the souls of others.
Remember when you walk in Other People's Shoes you get a different perspective!
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