Dec. 8, 2022

Walk The Dog

Walk The Dog is probably the most well-known yo-yo trick. Right? That's the key right it's a trick. Is there a trick to weight loss? Why do some people effortlessly lose weight & sustain it, while others struggle, for years, with the distress of losing & gaining weight, without success? My guest today is Kellee Waters. Kellee is here to share why we should get away from the yoyo diets, and look at food in a new way. In Kellee's mind, it can all start with one percent. Join me as I try on Kellee's Latin dance shoes with a 3-inch gold heel suede neutral.

Walk The Dog is probably the most well-known yo-yo trick. Right? That's the key right it's a trick. Is there a trick to weight loss? Why do some people effortlessly lose weight & sustain it, while others struggle, for years, with the distress of losing & gaining weight, without success? My guest today is Kellee Waters. Kellee is here to share why we should get away from the yoyo diets, and look at food in a new way. In Kellee's mind, it can all start with one percent. Join me as I try on Kellee's Latin dance shoes with a 3-inch gold heel suede neutral. 


To learn more about Kellee click the link below.



Remember when you walk in Other People's Shoes you get a different perspective!

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